October 18, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
We are enjoying our slow descent into fall this year! Weather has remained mild, with high temps this week in the 70°F range. Brown trout redds are popping up river-wide in shallower water, so wade fisherman, please exercise caution! Flows have dropped slightly to the 3,000 CFS mark and the water temps are sitting around 55°F.
We are still awaiting our first BWO day! Anglers at the ranch have continued to find success fishing small emergers, parachute adams and griffith's gnats to pods of rising fish. As the temperature continues to drop, we anticipate a great BWO hatch this fall.
The nymphing bite is keyed in on shallower waters! Guests are finding trout still staged up in the moving water and short-leash rigs have worked to incredible success. Small baetis nymphs, sow bugs, weight flies and rainbow warriors have all been taking fish.
Streamer fishing is providing tight lines riverwide! Fish are getting more aggressive each day. Sparkle minnows, kreelex, thin mints and smaller olive buggers have been getting in done. Feel free to swing, strip or even dead drift them!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!