April 5, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
Yesterday's flurries marked the end of another week of snowfall in the mountains of the Missouri River valley. Despite the (much needed) precipitation, spring has finally arrived to the Missouri River Ranch! Temperatures will continue to climb throughout the weekend, reaching the mid 60's.
All across the ranch wildlife is on the move, ready for spring. The town of Craig is no different, with fly fisherman beginning to pour in from all over, taking their first casts to spring trout.
Be opportunistic with your approach to dry fly fishing. The risers are podded up in small groups and in just the right water. You'll have to hunt for them, but they are willing participants when located. Rig up a rod with a midge pattern, a 4-5x, 10' tapered leader, and keep it ready in the boat.
Adapt your nymphing to the higher flows. Water flows ticked up to nearly 5,500 CFS this week. You may need a bit more length and weight on your rigs, to target the same fish and structure from last week. Continue to concentrate on soft water and slower seams.
Switch up your strip! While water temps are climbing into the upper 30's, trout are still a bit sluggish. Strip slow, throw in a few fast twitches and let your fly get down. Focus on finding deeper, slower pockets along the bank.

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!