May 24, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
After a few smoky days from Canadian wildfires, skies have cleared and the river is fishing very well! With a couple more afternoon rainstorms, lows have risen slightly to 7,100 CFS while water temperatures have risen to 53°F. Tributaries continue to clear and the fish continue to spread-out river wide.
Bug activity plateaued, but PMDs should be just around the corner! Trout can still be found nosing into the occasional BWO/midge, however, dry fly activity has dropped since last week. Keep an eye out for PMD hatches over the upcoming weeks!
Shallow nymphing continues to be the ticket! Sow bugs and perdigons are hooking fish from top to bottom on the river. As PMD activity increases, the perdigon will continue to gain traction.
Streamer fishing is cooling slightly, but still effective. Adept anglers are moving quality fish on the streamer, but action has slowed down in comparison to last week. If you enjoy throwing bank shots, these may be your last few weeks to do so before fall!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!