September 2, 2022

Fly Fishing Update: August is over, and September is upon us! This is usually the time of year we dust off our streamer rods, and get ready for some exciting fall action. As of this report, the Missouri Rivers flows are at 4050 CFS, and the water temperature is 65°F. The fishing is still red hot this season! We are in the midst of a heatwave (air temperatures up to 103°F), which is set to cool off as of Thursday, when temperatures drop drastically to 74°F. Overnight temps are in the 50-60°F range, which has kept the fish happy. We anticipate that fall weather will arrive "abruptly" this year. Hoppers & Ants are still producing, albeit a touch slower than last week. The mornings and early afternoons are still the prime time, with the bite slowing down as of 2:00PM most days. Expect that time frame to expand, as we get these colder overnight temperatures! Nymphing continues to produce well during lulls in the dry fly action. Guides are reporting taking aggressive fish on zirdles, as well as a consistent nymph bite on frenchies, sow bugs, thunderbugs, weight flies, and scuds. Streamer fishing has finally seen an uptick. Guests have reported success on leech style patterns, and the word on the street around Craig is that the streamer bite is nearly here. Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!
Missouri River Ranch