June 22, 2021
We’d like to first give a quick shout-out to all who celebrated Father’s Day. At the Missouri River Ranch, we are honored to play our part in helping Dads

pass on the tradition of fly fishing to the next generation, creating lifetime memories, and doing so in style. It’s been a true pleasure to host our angling Dads and their daughters and sons over the past week and we are grateful Missouri River Ranch is a destination where families can spend quality time on the water and enjoy each other. With summer now in full swing, the fishing is nearing its prime, and while the river flow is the lowest it’s been in about 15 years, that being the case, water temps have stabilized between 53F – 57F, right in the range trout love the most, conditions are very good. The reports from dry fly anglers have been mostly mixed, and despite the prevalence of PMDs on the surface, dun patterns have not been a slam dunk, and for every fly fisher a little puzzled why more trout aren’t readily taking whatever version of PMD dry they might be fishing (emergers, cripples, or spinners), there is another group of anglers using CDC caddis patterns who are having success. Anglers are finding plenty of opportunities to cast to risers in hopes of landing a trophy trout on a tiny dry. Nymph anglers have had it really good for a few weeks now, and for those not hopelessly addicted to fishing a dry, the lines have been tight and the action hot. Look for fish in slightly quicker water with a medium speed and just a bit of depth. Don’t forget to drift the lanes on the edge for those trout feeding inside out. The trout are down low as well, so nymph anglers are always adjusting the weight to make sure it is just right, but whether you are down deep or in skinny water, browns and rainbows are apt to eat caddis pupae, worms, PMD nymphs, sows, and rubber legs. Not to be forgotten, but for those looking to go to hog heaven, streamers are still getting the job done. If the tug is your drug then don’t give up, and keep stripping, it is only a matter of time before you set the hook and locked into a Missouri River rodeo. It’s been an incredible start to the summer season, and we’re excited to host all of our guests who have plans to fish Missouri. Please drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!
Missouri River Ranch