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Fish of a Lifetime

April 20, 2022

What's New on the Ranch & River:

And we are off! Our first guests have arrived this week. They are enjoying every moment of MRR's hospitality, and the 'Mo's incredible fishing, while surviving the (much needed) 24" of snow! Scroll down get the latest on the Missouri River fishing report, see one of the largest Rainbow Trout caught this season while wading, and a sneak-peak at a "hot" new ranch improvement!

Fishing Update: Our "fishing expert", and young ranch hand Dylan, landed the fish of a lifetime this week! Braving some post-snow conditions, he managed to land this enormous Rainbow while wade fishing a local boat ramp. Flows are just below 3,000 CFS, and the water temps are between 39-40°F. Dry fly fishing has been inconsistent due to extremely high winds. Pods of rising fish have been spotted during lulls, mainly downstream of Wolf Creek Bridge. Angler's are eagerly anticipating blanket-hatch conditions for Blue Wing Olives. Some BWOs have been spotted daily, and we expect strong hatches in the coming days. Nymph fishing still comprises of the standard suspects (frenchies, scuds, sow-bugs, etc.), but has improved with the variety of Baetis patterns anglers can now reach for. Fish can be found deep and shallow, so be sure to switch it up! Streamer fishing has moved out of the muted color phase, and fish are now keyed-in on flashy patterns. Get out there and start connecting to some seriously mad spring trout! While the entire river is still consistent, anglers have been enjoying the change of pace that the Canyon offers, with a few more dry fly opportunities. Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!

Missouri River Ranch



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