July 19, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
Temperatures are heating up, but the fishing continued to be rock solid for our guests. Make sure to fish early and late, while drinking lots of water and wearing sun layers! Flows this week started in the 5,500 CFS range and we are expecting mid-4,000 CFS levels soon The water temperature will hover around 68°F. Please release fish quickly and carefully. Fishing on property continues to be world class! Make sure to get out before breakfast or after dinner for shots at rising fish.
The Trico spinner fall continues to be prolific, while caddis ants and hoppers are being readily eaten as well. The main event for Trico's is happening in the early morning and finishing before lunch. Attractor patterns can be fished to great success riverwide. This is a fun time of year to try out various dry fly tactics.
Nymphing is great in the late mornings and along mid river shelfs. Smaller zebra midges, sunken trico spinner, caddis pupa and weight flies have all been reliably taken by trout.
Streamer fishing reports will remain quiet until cooler temperatures return!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!