March 29, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
The water outlook for the 2023 season on the Missouri continues to be positive. We again saw snowfall all throughout the region this week, leading Snow Water Equivalents to be over 110% (110%-127%) for our tributaries. This leads to the chance for a "big water" spring, and cold clean water all summer long. Flows are at 4280CFS and 35°F. Reservoirs throughout Montana are nice and full.
Craig is coming alive. Boat ramps are beginning to fill up on weekends, and our local eateries are in full swing. It's going to be another incredible trout season in Trout Town USA.
Midge activity continues to build. The water/ambient conditions are still holding on to winter, but we've noticed an upwards trend in midge activity. Keep an eye out for softer pockets of water— you're liable to find a few rising heads.
Nymphing continues to be the most productive method from the drift boat. With the temperatures remaining low, anglers should continue to focus on slower seams and slack water. Set on any indication, as bites continue to be subtle.
Streamer fishing has produced larger fish, and the key to success is moving your fly slowly. Flies need to get down, and move slowly in front of the fish. Sink tips, or longer leaders with conehead flies are great ways to get down to the fish.

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!