May 16, 2024
May has been an incredible month of angling for our guests. The Missouri is in fantastic shape, with flows around 4,300 CFS and the river temps sitting in the low 50's. From watching the Northern Lights over the lodge, to fishing blanket hatches of BWOs, our guests have experienced all that Craig, MT has to offer!
Dry fly fishing has been excellent in the past two weeks. While our trout are just starting to get pickier, BWOs & March Browns have kept trout rising, leading to excellent angling opportunities. Longer leaders and spinners/cripples have been the ticket to fooling more educated trout!
Nymphing continues to be excellent. Whether short leashing, dry-droppering or swinging soft hackles, anglers have been connecting with solid fish in back-eddies and shallower current seams. This is a great time of year to build your nymphing confidence as the frequency.
Streamer fishing continues to produce nice fish and fares better on overcast days. It's a fun way to get some aggressive strikes after a morning of nymphing.

Drop us a line, and we'll see you soon at the ranch!