September 20, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
Late September is a local's favorite time to be on the 'Mo. Crowds are gone, fish see less pressure and bigger hatches/streamer fishing is on the horizon! Get out their and fish at your own pace. Flows bumped slightly to 4,800 CFS and the water temps are sitting at 61.8°F.
Dry fly fishing is great as the mornings warm up! Anglers continue to find consistent action with hoppers, ants, tricos and general attractor patterns. As temperatures continue to drop, keep an eye out for pseudo and BWO hatches. Caddis are still around and our anglers are itching to skate some October Caddis in coming weeks!
Nymphing heats up along with the day. There's no reason to race out of bed for the early AM bite anymore. Late morning and all afternoon is producing great nymph fishing. All the classic patterns are producing fish. For a bit of variety, swing a zirdle followed by a caddis emerger through some riffles. Great time of year to experiment with swinging!
Streamer fishing is absolutely on the menu again! The streamer bite will continue to build, however, this is an excellent time of year to clean that streamer line and focus on this method. Sparkle minnows/kreelex patterns on bright sunny days, thin mints on the overcast. Grab your two handed rod and start swinging through some runs!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!