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October Fishing is Here!

October 1, 2022

Fly Fishing Update: October 1st, and fall fishing is fully upon us! Along with cooler weather, the Missouri has experienced some wonderful precipitation, and fish are enjoying the cooler waters! Streamer fishing, swinging, nymphing and dry fly fishing are all producing exceedingly well. As of this report, the Missouri Rivers flows are at 4050 CFS, and the water temperature is 59°F. Fish are energetic, and the river offers an incredible amount of variety this time of year. Whatever your preference or goals, October is one of the best months to fly fish Montana. Pseudo blanket hatches, October Caddis... BWOs soon! Late mornings and early afternoons have seen blanket Pseduo hatches. Mid river fish are eagerly sharking on this buffet of small mayflies, and offer a great challenge to experienced dry fly anglers. Prospecting the river with Orange Chubbies has yielded some incredible October Caddis fishing. Anglers and guides alike are awaiting consistent Blue Winged Olive hatches to provide some wonderful fall dry fly fishing! Nymphing has been red hot! Fish are covering the entire water column, however our guests have been finding the most success fishing shallow water and buckets. Pillpoppers, sow bugs, and mayfly nymphs have all produced well. Streamer fishing continues to ramp up. Thinmints, sparkle minnows, leeches and wooly buggers all in smaller sizes have been catching numerous fish. Single handed rods have been getting it done from the boat, while many bank anglers are dusting off their trout spey rods and starting to swing! Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!

Missouri River Ranch



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