January 31, 2024
April incites the Montana angler to awaken from winter hibernation and fly fish the Missouri once again! Spring conditions perfectly align as large, well-fed and unpressured trout begin to feed more heavily. This is the best time of year to put your fly in front of fish that haven't seen a fly all winter long.
Rainbow trout begin to feed heavily in anticipation of their spawn, while large brown trout dominate deeper holes and take streamers readily. The action only continues to "heat-up" as the water temps approach the 50°F mark.
Historic average flows of 5,000 CFS, daily ambient highs of 50°-60°F and over 6,000 trout per mile lend to incredible fishing conditions regardless of your favorite approach! Bring a good wading jacket and base layer- you'll be prepared for whatever Montana throws your way.
Dry fly anglers can dust off their gear and get ready for periodic action in April. Midges, BWOs & March Browns will have fish rising in pods and ready to eat.
Nymphing slower runs that transition into faster water produce stunning results, while streamer fishing the same water can elicit the strike of a 24" brown trout!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!