August 9, 2023
Fly Fishing Update:
The Craig community agrees, this has been some of the best dry fly fishing we've seen in August. Incredible Trico mats, terrestrial eats and caddis hatches are still providing consistent action. Cooler temps and precipitation prevailed this week, keeping the river in great shape. Trips are still leaving around 7:00AM to maximize productive hours while minimizing stress on our trout. Flows bumped up to 5,140 CFS and the water temperature is currently around 63.5°F.
Get out there early and fish dries hard until the afternoon! Trico spinner-falls are the main event in the morning, followed by excellent caddis, ant and hopper activity. We are hoping this activity continues for the next few weeks, so practice that reach cast!
Nymphing is outstanding riverwide. If anglers want consistent action, nymphing shallow or deep has produced great results. Be aware that the weeds are noticeable at this point in the season- a sharp roll cast or single haul should clean your flies and get you right back into the game!
Streamer fishing reports will remain quiet until cooler temperatures return!

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!