June 8, 2021

Flows at Dearborn fall dropped nearly every day for a week before leveling off between 700 and 800. Back-to-back hot and sunny beautiful summer days and high nighttime temps of > 45F are fueling runoff waters and the river is rising. Visibility is finally improving below the confluence of the Dearborn, and overall, fishing conditions remain quite good in the upper river. Nymph fishing has been mostly hot and cold, with many anglers finding great pockets of action using pmd, caddis, and midge patterns under a worm or scud. The rainbow trout have been big, healthy, and acrobatic, and a number of very nice (but fewer) browns have also been caught and released. Dry fly-fishing opportunities have been scarce, but the forecast is for an massive hatch of caddis and pale morning duns over the next few weeks and anglers are very optimistic for an epic dry fly season this June. Please drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!
Missouri River Ranch